Kellogg Cancer Center

Be Part of the Cure for Cancer

In 2009, Tracy was diagnosed with Stage 3B non-small cell lung cancer. She was given a 35% chance of making it to remission and a 5% chance of surviving five years.

Tracy didn’t panic. She had seen her mother defeat this very cancer years before, and there was no question in her mind where she’d go for treatment: the Kellogg Cancer Center at Endeavor Health Highland Park Hospital. That’s where Tracy gave birth to her son, and that’s where she was going to defeat her cancer.

Tracy approached each new challenge like an athletic challenge, remembering her softball motto: “Make the play, cry later.” After three months of aggressive radiation and chemotherapy, Tracy won her World Series. She was cancer-free—and she remains in remission today.

Tracy is forever grateful for the lifesaving care she received at NorthShore Hospitals, made possible by philanthropic support of our Foundation. As Tracy puts it, “Because of everyone at NorthShore Hospitals, there is life and love after lung cancer!”

About the Kellogg Cancer Center

At the Kellogg Cancer Center, we’re transforming cancer care and leading the search for a cure. Our team of physician-scientists, nurses, social workers and other support staff creates patient-centered treatment plans for each and every person we serve—and that work is powered by the generosity of philanthropic partners like you.

That means you can be part of the cure by joining our patients’ fight against cancer.

Philanthropic support funds research initiatives and clinical trials that external grants may not, which allows us to move quickly to respond to our latest research findings without stopping to worry about whether funding is available. This approach has helped us harness the power of novel treatments like immunotherapy and made the Kellogg Cancer Center more nimble—opening new doors to even more clinical trials and technologies with greater possibilities of success.

Every single patient benefits from community giving. Thanks to annual support from partners like you, we can provide holistic support services ranging from integrative care—treating a patient’s personal and behavioral needs—to financial counselors to help with the costs patients face. Your philanthropic gifts ensure that NorthShore Hospitals can continue to provide the best treatment at every stage of the cancer journey so patients and families can focus on what’s most important: healing.

The Power of Your Gift

Immunotherapy—which uses drugs to stimulate or suppress the immune system to help the body fight cancer—is the future of cancer care. Thanks to our philanthropic partners, NorthShore Hospitals has the building blocks in place to run its own research and immunotherapy program. With this devoted program, our immunotherapy cancer treatment knowledge and capabilities will continue to expand into CAR-T, which uses re-engineered T-cells to destroy cancer cells.

Preliminary data is critical for new research, but sometimes it’s difficult to obtain federal or external support. Philanthropy provides the funds to launch research initiatives and make our studies more competitive, which in turn makes it easier to get funding outside our walls.

The Kellogg Cancer Center is one of just a few locations that deliver support services to every person being treated for cancer. We provide financial counselors, nutritionists, counselors for psychosocial support, social workers, nurse navigators, integrative care specialists, and people to help patients secure and pay for their prescriptions. Annual giving continues to make this possible.

Ways to Give

to help sustain our mission

to help us continue our support year-round

make a lifetime impact

help us continue our support year-round

Offering personalized risk assessments leads to lower patient anxiety, higher satisfaction and more accurate results than most nonpersonalized approaches. Philanthropy makes all this possible.”

Vice Chair for Research, Department of Surgery

I’m grateful not only for my cancer-free status, but also for my NorthShore Hospital caregivers.”

John Zygokostas, NorthShore Kellogg Cancer Center patient

My daughter and I are eternally grateful for the incredible cancer care and expertise provided by Dr. Lynne Kaminer. Because of her and the amazing team, my daughter is cancer-free—and I’m now a proud grandmother.”

Katherine Lawson, mother of a patient